Oct 1, 2014 | 2016, Day in the Life
Hi Again! You will in this post see how things look during the final week of classes. You will notice there’s a lot less happening in my schedule other than classes/studying during this time because it is crack-down mode! And then STEP 1 Board Preparation begins! I have allotted myself 4 weeks for Board studying after classes are over.
9-10am: Pulmonary lecture- Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS)
Sep 23, 2014 | 2016, Day in the Life
9-11am: Endocrinology lectures
Woke up late! So missed the first hour of lecture. But totally not worried, can watch the video recording online or just look at the course syllabi text.
Sep 18, 2014 | 2017, Day in the Life
The day began with four hours of the new module – physiology. From the very beginning, I was thoroughly enthralled by the material. I was that little child who asked “but whyyy” many times a day and physiology fulfilled that very question.
At 3 pm, a session was held to teach us how to go about preparing an abstract for our summer research project. Not only was it useful for my writing but even more importantly, it had me ruminating on the many different parts of my research projects.
Sep 3, 2014 | 2017, Day in the Life, Uncategorized
Today I discovered a wonderful aspect of academic medicine – Grand Rounds. We all get the lengthy emails sent every Thursday notifying us of the wide variety of activities Mount Sinai has to offer yet I had never considered the notices about grand rounds to be directed at me, the first year medical student only 1/8th of the way to the MD degree. In last week’s announcement however, the Oncology Grand Rounds on the Role of Autophagy in Lung Cancer caught my eye. Armed with my knowledge from the Molecular Cellular and Genomics course that I just left behind in December, I went to the session held at noon in Seminar Room A in the Hess Center. Granted, there were several instances where I felt I knew nothing but then they would be followed by moments of illumination, where my classroom experience and medicine in the real world aligned. Grand rounds have since become one of my favorite pastimes.
Aug 12, 2014 | 2017, Day in the Life
After a visit to the Family Health Center of Harlem during one of the earlier Art and Science of Medicine sessions, I had the pleasure of being introduced to a doctor who had himself been a medical student at Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai. As a student, in order to use his French speaking skills in a medical setting, he had found an organization with which he was able to work and still continues to do so till this very day.