On Sunday, February 26, Med Students 4 Haiti (MS4H) hosted an event called “A Night at the Oscars” in the student lounge of Aron Hall. This year’s Academy Awards was widely publicized for reaching a historic degree of diversity and inclusion among the nominees and the films that were recognized. (more…)
After finishing our Brain and Behavior course, my second-year class launched into our third InFocus week— a time to come together as a class to reflect on an aspect of medicine outside the realm of typical medical education. (more…)
At times in medical school, it’s easy to get lost in the science and memorization and forget the bigger picture of why you want to be a doctor. The Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai’s InFocus weeks come between the major system blocks and are designed to be a break from the studying and an opportunity to think about important aspects of medicine that are not in a traditional medical school curriculum.
Caroline Beyer, ISMMS MD Student, Class of 2018, details enhancing her medical education experience by taking advantage of electives offered outside of the required MD curriculum.